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Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands, (S341-342) Celtic thumb Ring
Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands, (S341-342) Celtic thumb Ring
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Our matchingTrinity knot bands would make GREAT wedding rings, everyday rings, and even THUMB rings.
Three sets of Trinity knots show through our 5mm and 8mm bands. These are made from 316L Stainless Steel, so the wear is great for every day without the worry of tarnish. These have a bright finish.
The Trinity is a holy and sacred symbol. It represents three equal parts the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Irish, Scottish, and Welsh all embrace the Trinity.

-5mm Sizes 6-11
-8mm Sizes 8-13
-316 L Stainless Steel

*316 L Stainless Steel does NOT tarnish or rust. It is very hard and durable. It has a beautiful luster that can be buffed and polished to remove fingerprints or scratches

Item# Item Name Qty Add
-s341-SZ-6 00 -5mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s341sz6))
-s341-Sz-7 01- 5mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s341-sz7)
s341-sz8 02- 5mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s341-sz8)
-s341-sz9 03 5mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s341 sz 9)
s341-Size-10- 04- 5mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s341 Size 10) )
s341-Size-11 05- 5mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s341Size 11))
S342-Sz8 06- 8mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s342-Size 8)
-s342-Sz9 07- 8mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s342 Size9)
-s342-Sz10 08- 8mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s342 size 10)
-342-Size-11 09- 8mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s342 Size 11)
-s342-Sz12 10- 8mm Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s342 SZ12)
-s342-sz13 11- Trinity Knot Celtic Wedding bands (s342 SZ13)
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